Hard Problems

This post reminded me of my second year at NIT Surat. Comparing a piddly Fluid Mechanics test there to the Graduate Qualifying Exams of Columbia is, I admit, not flattering. Neither to me, nor to Columbia. But surely, Josh, from what I’ve read of his posts on emotional systems and their universality, would be the first to agree that the effects are the same. Kind of.

Anyway, the problem in question, was the second one on the test set by Dr Joy Banerjee. There weren’t many questions on that test, something below ten, I believe. But most of the students didn’t answer most of the questions.

A few days later we assembled in a lab where the Prof wrote down the solutions on the board, barely covering half of it, while we all watched in awe, and a little bit of self-pity.

But I did solve that one about the spinning top all by myself. And I am proud of it.

Rithwik K
Rithwik K
Data Scientist

Data Scientist
