
The Trees are Withering

There is a war going on. On one side are trees. And on the other... semilattices. Trees vs Semilattices One of the earliest reports came from the urban design front, from a certain Christopher Alexander who has been surprisingly influential outside his fields of architecture and design.

Reimagining Books

The constitution as a graph A while back in an edition of the excellent public policy newsletter Anticipating the Unanticipated an idea was mentioned: It would be great to convert the constitution of India into a graph of cross-referencing articles.

The Endless Delights of Traffic

Captains of ships are interested in storms. Living in Bangalore, I am interested in traffic. Both are agonizing and unescapable, although I suspect storms are a lot less frequent than the suffocating, slow-moving museum of human failings, that I grudgingly navigate every day.

One Day, Two Movies, Three Paintings (to say nothing of the bonus)

I like movies, and I like paintings, but most of all, I like spotting the references, allusions, and tributes that their creators scatter within them. On a recent lazy Sunday, my wife and I watched the Miyazaki classic Spirited Away and 500 days of Summer.

Hard Problems

This post reminded me of my second year at NIT Surat. Comparing a piddly Fluid Mechanics test there to the Graduate Qualifying Exams of Columbia is, I admit, not flattering.